It would be a great disservice to all the wonderful friends that we made at the Youth Alpha Training seminar if I were to reduce our singular, Spirit-filled Singapore experience to a few pithy paragraphs on the shared belief in faith, hope, and love that cemented our friendship.
Moreover, Ralph distinctly reminded me that the seal of the confessional is in effect for much of what occurred during those three memorable days where we all drank deeply of the fountain of grace and mercy that is Jesus Christ.
As such, I will not mention the following:

That Benjamin Seow had to take out his iPod to confirm whether or not it was Ralph Lumo, and not Leonard Hofstadter who attended the training.

Or that The Big Bang Theory refers to the phenomenon that is Ralph Lumo and the ease with which he makes and nurtures friendships despite the paucity of time and the difficulties presented by distance.
That Soosay masterfully correlated pop-culture relevance with today's youth with "global warming".
Or that one is alternately “cool” or “hot”, but whether or not that’s a good thing depends on context and the era the person you’re talking to comes from. Interestingly enough, all the males from the Malaysian delegation prefer to be “cool”, while the ladies refer to themselves as “hot”.
That Jeffrey Marquardsen was asked to lead prayers before meals to the tune of the old Richard Donner helmed Superman movies.
Or that Arnold Sanico “accidentally” wore his Superman shirt on the last day of the seminar.
That given an opportunity to go out and relax with the rest of the very youthful delegation, Dr. Benie A. Sy, yours truly and Ralph Lumo opted to go to the 7-11 in front of the hotel instead of grabbing a drink at Bugis Village.
Or that Dr. Benie A. Sy, yours truly and Ralph Lumo are in any way getting older. Suffice to say, none of these gentlemen could ever be mistaken for Youth Alpha participants.
If anyone else recalls anything that they do not wish to mention, please feel free to let me know. Enjoy!

Photo Credits:
Picture of Johnny Galecki as Leonard Hofstadter comes courtesy of TV Fanatic
I can't believe I know the Filipino Leonard!!
I can't believe that I've been watching the American Ralph!
Hahahahahhahahaha now that you have mentioned it, Raplh does look like Leonard!!
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