And so we begin!
I brought my mama to the Bannister Academy office, which is in Calle Industria, right beside Eastwood City. She's pretty impressed with the way the developer hosting our school, Circulo Verde, is turning out. She's asking a lot of questions about the school as well, which more or less stop once I make glowing comparisons to what she thinks the Ateneo is all about. Ah yes, it must be wonderful to be the Ateneo. Instant street cred with all mothers born after the Second World War. This means a lot when the only world conflict of that magnitude that my generation and I remember involves either twenty two men kicking a ball, ten men dunking a ball, or two men trying to prove who has the bigger balls.
Here's a sneak peek at what our school looks like.

Eventually, it's going to look like this. Cool, right?

I drop by the Ateneo Alumni Affairs office and get my alumni ID. Finally, my beloved college ID can be laid to rest, perhaps in a hyperbaric chamber in order to preserve a archival document which accurately captures my dashing good looks and cheerful intellectual bonhomie. Here are the IDs side by side for comparison. Hmm. It might be difficult to sequence these IDs as part of a historical archive without revealing sensitive information. Must remember to upload a low-res pic later.

While browsing through a display of Sesquicentennial merchandise I come across The 18th Banner. My friend Kim found it a good read, so I get myself a copy.
When I get back to the office, I review some documents. Inadvertently, I catch Ralph as he was perusing the Wikipedia entry of Glee. He mumbles something about supposedly manly football players "singing some song" while chasing "some ring" on the show. Ralph realizes that his initial alibi raises more questions regarding the requisite amount of testosterone levels in a office unit that invites men to bear their hearts unashamedly to Jesus than he's willing to endure, so he starts mumbling about "a girl" on the show who happens to be "hot".
Whatever. I'm getting him the High School Musical DVD Boxed Set, which ought to look absolutely darling beside his copy of Glee Vol. One: Road to Sectionals.

Ralph casually drops by my office to mention that someone's waging war against his Mafia in Mafia Wars. Ralph's on fire! He's putting the "non" in "nonchalant" right now. He says that despite the many offers of his manly friends to defend his family's honor online, he will decline the opportunity to do violence. "It's not Christian." I wish I was making this stuff up. It's like he owns the intellectual property rights to "men who overcompensate due to a shameful recognition of soft-assed sensitivity". Thanks Ralph!
Note: Due to site maintenance over at Photobucket, this entry was not uploaded on time. My apologies!
Hey, I also happen to watch Glee...and play Mafia Wars, but yes, Ralph was indeed overcompensating, I guess he's still not in touch with his sensitive side yet.
Ralph was always sensitive: to water, to some forms of alcohol, and to "allergies" that emerge whenever he watches chick flicks. :P
Update your blog na!
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