Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Acquired Tastes: Invincible Iron Man #7 by Matt Fraction

I could easily make this about the gorgeous art by Salvador Larroca. His style, with its clean lines, and the strong sense of uncluttered dynamism in his panels, is perfect in depicting the best visual qualities of both Iron Man and Spider-Man.

Or, this could also easily be about me, and how I was right to follow the adventures of ol' shellhead sometime ago in this blog. As many of my friends can attest, my taste is impeccable and my judgment beyond reproach.

But this is really about simple truths. Comic books are really all about sequential storytelling. Comic books are really all about how good visuals and good writing, when woven together by a master, can unfold as a great work of art. Comic books are really all about, well, see for yourself:

If you aren't already doing so, read Invincible Iron Man. You won't regret it.