Monday, December 24, 2007

Flight of Angels

My sons, Juan and Manuel, finally took to flight...together. Sadly, the holiday season has become almost unbearably busy for us, mostly due to the many kind souls who graciously shared their time and bounty with our little family. Yet, as the Gospel according to Luke would put it, "The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few..." Despite our joy at being the recipients of so much goodwill, we simply had to beg off and whisk ourselves out of the country.

In lieu of our presence this Christmas, might I offer the prospect of pictures of us this blessed holiday season? Consider this thoughtful offer my little way of spreading some good cheer: you get to see us at our best and happiest from the comfort of your homes. We get to rest, and to borrow (most outrageously) from Shakespeare's Hamlet, "flights of angels sing thee to thy rest". Merry Christmas from the Borra Family! Pictures to come at my Multiply.


HappiHappi said...

I loved the HK pictures. Everyone looks so happy!