Friday, July 23, 2010

My Girls!

I don't think I've ever wrote about the sublime sense of surrender I feel every time I am roused from slumber by my girls.

Lucia is a force of nature. She is adorable, intelligent, and very much aware of the attractive traits, both physical and otherwise, that she possesses in abundance. When she wakes me up, it is like being surprised by the warm, lapping tongue of the sun, as it greets me through the slotted blinds.

Carmen, on the other hand, is like the soft, comforting pitter-patter of a gentle spring shower. Carmen is a subtle, beautiful wonder. While perfectly capable of carrying a discussion through her gurgling exclamations of joy, she prefers to discourse with her eyes. And before you know it, you're in love. Again.

I would say it doesn't get any better than this, but that would be a lie. Every time they wake me up, I experience my daughters' love as if it were the first time.


ChichaJo said...

Such a lovely post about your daughters! You are truly blessed and so are they :)

I'm a first time mum and it's really amazing and magical...much more than I ever thought!

John-D Borra said...

Thanks ChichaJo! Yup yup. It's truly amazing. Enjoy being a mom! :)

pots said...

Lucia and Carmen have you wrapped around their fingers! But yeah, they are so lovely to wake up to :-)

HappiHappi said...

They are so so adorable. Loved your post on the girls - it was so poetic.