Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year at Poro Point

It suddenly occurred to me that I am probably less skilled at conveying a sense of wonder about places than I am at conveying a sense of wonder about books and ideas. Or perhaps I do not bore people as much when I write about places than when I write, to pretentious and unwittingly sad, sardonic effect, about books and ideas. Nevertheless, and with the aid of several clumsily composed and executed pictures, allow me to describe the quiet little refuge that is Poro Point.

As one who secretly feels pity for expatriates who gush at the slightest hint of a tropical paradise that their Western upbringing has not prepared them for, I have high standards for idyllic tropical getaways. From my room, the view of the South China Sea is spectacular. As such, I am reluctant to even post pictures of the view. But an honest sense of shame at my ineptitude often escapes me, and so here is poorly composed, badly lit, and otherwise awful shot of what the view must be like at sunset.

Since I have three water-logged, yet beach-starved children, a safe yet accessible swimming area is a must. My children and I were not disappointed by their charming Mediterranean-inspired pool or the quaint little beach which is nestled to the right of the pool, cosseted by cliffs. It's the sort of lazy, comforting, sun-worshipping setting that practically demands a mojito.

The food might not invite comparison to decidedly gourmet fare, but is satisfying both in terms of taste and variety. The menu offers a good balance of Continental, Italian and Filipino fare. There is also a kiddie menu with the requisite junior sized burgers, pasta and chicken meals, none of which can successfully pry buoyant youngsters from the water for very long.

Lastly, I must commend the resort for providing free hi-speed internet access and wifi which is so much faster than what I enjoy at home that I've successfully downloaded more cult classics and rarities than I've had all year. An unexpected, yet welcome treat.

I pray that you receive the new year with the warmth and subtle sense of spectacle that good cheer brings. Enjoy!