Sunday, October 11, 2009

Above the Storm

In the end, it's not about the numbers.

It's about the generosity of strangers, or the nobility of anonymity.

It's about the flood of volunteers, who stood taller than the floodwaters we battled against.

It's about hope amidst despair.

It's about the desire to sift through the flotsam and jetsam of our cluttered lives and finding the kindness and compassion that all of us possess.

It's about heroes. And the most wonderful realization that, much like what Mark Gosingtian so beautifully rendered in his graphic art, "where I come from, everyone's a hero".

Photo Credits:

Pictures come courtesy of The Human Chain Project: Ondoy Photos, by Pong Ignacio, The Human Chain Photos by Gabby Santos, and Mark Gosingtian.