Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Acquired Tastes: Chuck and Jeffster!

Now that I've seen the season and possibly series finale of Chuck, let me digress just a bit on the sheer awesome fun I had watching the show. Most of the people who follow my blog are, perhaps painfully, aware of my tendency to engage in deathly serious reflection on life, the universe, and everything. However, as most people who know me can attest, I'm not a deathly serious person. I'm just serious about squeezing as much fun and meaning out of life as possible. Why waste time on rubbish when one can also sift flowers from the rubble?

And so, Chuck. I won't even try to describe the joyful abandon to which I surrendered, fully, to the season finale. I won't even try to describe the impending heartache which greets the series' possible demise. What I will try to do is bring a smile to your face by showing what is possibly one of the funniest action musical montages in recent memory. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present Jeffster!

Just in case you have a heart, please save Chuck from cancellation. And for those who have been cruelly deprived of access to the season finale, here's a spoiler-rich summary from our friends at the A.V. Club.


~PakKaramu~ said...

Pak Karamu reading your blog

pots said...

They can't end this series!!!! NOOOO !!!!!

John-D Borra said...

They won't! At least, not if all the nerds of the world unite. One ring to rule them all, and all that. :-)