Monday, March 09, 2009

Acquired Tastes: Marbury as Othello

Every morning, before I head off to work, I read my daughter Lucia one of Shakespeare's sonnets. While some might accuse me of intentionally setting my little princess up to be an intellectual snob of frightening proportions, let me assure one and all that it's true: I am intentionally steeping my lovely Lucia into some of the finest verses ever minted in the English language. While she might never develop a taste for Shakespearean literature in particular, it is my fondest hope that she will always find herself drawn to good literature in general.

We just finished Sonnet 28. Fantastic stuff!

Equally good is The Onion's article on Stephon Marbury. Like most attempts to use the Bard in a contemporary comedic situation, there's little that can be excerpted as one-liners, but much can be mined from a thorough reading of the entire piece.


Photo Credits:

Picture of Stephon Marbury as Othello comes courtesy of The Onion.