Monday, June 04, 2007

Acquired Tastes: What Passes for Humor

It's been awhile since I linked to some items on the Web that made me laugh, which horrified me. I've always been a big believer in the redemptive qualities of joy, and the ability to laugh is precious. So sorry. If ever this blog degenerates into dour, unrepentantly serious whining without even the dim prospect of laughter on the horizon, you have my permission to spam me with products guaranteed either to bring back a lush head of hair, or improve my, er, "intimate relations". Wow, that sentence descended rather suddenly into stilted discomfort. At any rate, here's one from our friends at The Onion:

Unconventional Director Sets Shakespeare Play In Time, Place Shakespeare Intended

The Onion

Unconventional Director Sets Shakespeare Play In Time, Place Shakespeare Intended

MORRISTOWN, NJ—"When most people hear The Merchant of Venice, they think 1960s Las Vegas, but it's time to shake things up," said maverick director Kevin Hiles.

This one comes courtesy of Slate, and is labeled Church Sign Smackdown! You know you want to click on it. Who can resist clicking on something that promises such a tantalizing mix of the sacred and the profane? So, click!


choochay said...

Hey Mr. Borra :o) I made it, I'm offcially in ALS! -Kara

John-D Borra said...

Wow, that's great news! Make us proud! :-)

Loopy said...

Oh, I keep getting those! As if I'll ever be subject to erectile dysfunctions. And i get it in my office email no less!

John-D Borra said...

Hey Ther! Hassle, no? Like you also need a full head of hair! (I'm ignoring the crack about erectile dysfunctions, you see.) :-)

Marie said...

Love the Shakespeare thing from The Onion! That director really thought out-of-the-box, didn't he???

John-D Borra said...

Hey Marie! Too bad about my revisionist, time-travelling Hamlet set in a rural town in Nueve Vizcaya in the late '50s... :-)