Thursday, December 07, 2006

Acquired Tastes: The Onion Dispatch

I just discovered that one of my favorite sites, The Onion, has this cool feature which allows bloggers to share selected content. Anyway, by way of trying out this nifty little tool (Wait a sec! Did I just use the term "nifty"? More importantly, did I just use the term "little tool"? Somewhere, my students are snickering, and I'm not sure whether they're doing so for the right reasons...) allow me to share these dispatches from The Onion.

Rebels Immediately Regret Seizing Power In Zambia

The Onion

Rebels Immediately Regret Seizing Power In Zambia

LUSAKA, ZAMBIA—"None of the blood that filled our streets nor the carnage that choked our citied could have prepared us for these pathetic annual GDP figures," said former rebel and new head of state Uwimana Kowry.

Bill Walton Spends Entire Lakers Broadcast Gushing About His Son

The Onion

Bill Walton Spends Entire Lakers Broadcast Gushing About His Son

LOS ANGELES—Bill Walton, the former NBA Most Valuable Player and popular current NBA broadcaster, spent the entire running time of Tuesday night's Milwaukee Bucks–Los Angeles Lakers game lavishing praise and affection on his son Luke,...

If you're interested, at all, in either politics, competitive sports and the slightly (and at times, this is a generous concession to Truth) crazy personalities that inhabit both seemingly unrelated spheres, then by all means, click! Enjoy!