Monday, November 13, 2006

The Rewards of Patience

Sigh. When did every single trip outside the house take on the dimensions of a military expedition? Even to rattle off a partial list of the necessary implements that Juan and Manuel absolutely cannot do without would be taxing in the extreme. Still, there are moments when it's all worth it. Here's an absolutely beautiful shot of my eldest son, Juan, with my favorite youngest sister named Marie Therese. I would like to apologize to my favorite eldest sister Teresita Patricia and my favorite middle sister Joanna Teresita for not having as good a shot of my boys with you guys, but till then, bask in my undying love and affection.

In related news, my loving wife just bought me a fantastic book, Hunters of Dune, which I am devouring with more than just a bit of schoolboy giddiness and nervous affection. After all, I do have the fondest memories of the original series penned by Frank Herbert. The verdict thus far? It certainly seems promising, though I do miss the elder Herbert's distinctive prose style. I'll let you guys know when I do finish it.


Loopy said...

don't make it harder for yourself John-d, just say favorite sister! they'll understand!